Son of Grease
What is
Grease 2
Son of Grease
The Movie
Plot Highlights
Music and Lyrics
Multimedia Gallery
The Phenomenon
Yahoo! Group
On Stage
Edited for TV?
The Site
Grease 2 Merchandise
Awards and Recognition
Guest Book Archive
Become a member of the
Son of Grease Fan Club Online
Check out the
Grease 2 Movie Trailer
Maxwell Caulfield fans will be delighted to find this
fan site
Michelle Pfeiffer actually discusses G2 in a
Mr. Showbiz interview
The editor of the now-defunct NetSurfer Digest must have been a big G2 fan. Check out their
review of Son of Grease
Robert Berry's Weird Movie Stuff #18
spotlights Grease 2.
Find the hard facts in the
Grease 2 entry
in the Internet Movie Database.